Friday 27 May 2011

Miss Mead's last day in 5/6B

5/6B had a party on Friday afternoon to say goodbye to Miss Mead. We enjoyed party foods, sang, danced and played trivia with 4/5M. Miss Mead really enjoyed her time with 5/6B and is looking forward to seeing them again in Terms 3 and 4.

Friday Sport

Wednesday 25 May 2011

Our artworks

Since the beginning of Term 2, we have been working on various artworks with Miss Mead. Here are the artworks that have been beautifying our room. Mr Bryant and Miss Mead are quite pleased with the results!

Isoceles, Scalene and Equilateral triangles in Maths

What we know about pushcarts and billycarts

What we imagine leisure activities will be like for Year 5/6 in 2021

 Line portraits of our classmates

Year 6 girls enjoy the Smartboard

Lucy, Paige, Tenille and Nina have been enjoying using the Smartboard before school.

The finished product.

Wednesday 18 May 2011


Year 5/6B have started to construct their pushcart for the Technopush Challenge.

Mother's Day Cards

Year 5/6B had fun creating cards for Mother's Day.

Happy Mother's Day to all mothers, grandmothers and friends of 5/6B.

Wednesday 4 May 2011

5/6B's celebrates the Royal Wedding

To celebrate the marriage of Prince William to Kate Middleton, our school had a 'Royal Wedding' themed out of uniform day. 5/6B voted for their bridal party:

Bridal Party: Bridesmaid 'Pippa', Best Man 'Harry', Prince William and Miss Catherine Middleton

Waity Katie's during the voting process

Catching the bouquet